Guest Blog: The importance of exercise technique
The Importance of Nailing Your Exercise Technique:
“Let’s talk about technique.
What exactly does it mean?
Put simply, technique is about developing good movement patterns over time. On the flip side, incorrect technique will result in poor movement patterns over time.
Let’s take the Squat for example. The squat is a common exercise which we use on a daily basis in life to help us sit or crouch down. It works the muscles of the butt and thighs.
If you have good Squat technique then you are in fact creating good movement patterns over time, as each time you perform the squat your body performs it the way your brain has mapped it out.
On the flip side if you have poor Squat technique, then you create poor movement patterns over time, as each time you perform the squat your body performs it the way your brain has mapped it out.
The 3 reasons that lead to poor technique:
#1 – You are not too sure how to correctly perform the exercise
#2 – You have poor mobility/flexibility, making it harder to achieve full range of motion
#3 – Fatigue – When fatigue sets in, often technique will be compromised
Poor technique can lead to muscle imbalance creating niggles and injury down the track.
The 3 benefits to nailing your technique:
#1 – You will improve your muscle activation, meaning the right muscles do their job and get a better workout
#2 – You will help avoid injury and niggles in the short and long-term
#3 – You will build more strength from laying a stronger foundation. Like a house, without the proper foundation, eventually it will crumble.
To help, we’ve created a series of quick video’s on our CoreFit Newcastle Youtube Channel where we walk you through how to perform some of the most common exercises (like the squat) safely and effectively.”
check out our YouTube channel for some tips.
Dan @ CoreFit Newcastle