Sports Chiropractic: The Athlete’s Secret Weapon
A sports chiropractic approach to injuries draws on or expert knowledge of the spine and how it moves most efficiently. Most athletes involved in sport, especially contact sports, will likely experience an injury at some point. Injuries to the spine or pelvis should be taken seriously as they can have long lasting or damaging effects. It is reported that up to 20 percent of sports injuries involve the lower back or neck.
With any sports injury it is important to determine early the mechanism of injury and get a clear diagnosis of what has occurred so the correct treatment approach can be followed. Whether your injury is mild or severe, its best to get the professional help. Failure to do so may lengthen the recovery time frame or reduce the likelihood of full recover. Chiropractors are experts in spine function, we have a special interest in helping sports people with spine and pelvis injuries.
A Question to ponder?
Is your injury acute or chronic? Has an injury been caused by an isolated traumatic event or has it been a chronic over use injury that has led to an acute exacerbation? Many athletes and parents of children playing sport fail to answer this question correctly. Identify the history of the injury is the first step in pathing a path to full recovery.
Types of spine injuries
Lower Back
This is a common area of injury for athletes. A diverse range of sports can cause low back problems. An activity that uses twisting motion (golf), repetitive impact (running), contact (rugby league) or weight loading at the end of rage motion (weight lifting) are all common causes. The injury may involve muscles, nerves, joints or even the disc. Its important to identify the exact cause of the injury.
Neck injury
People playing contact sports will most common experience this type of injury. Longer endurance type sports may also be prone to neck injuries, such as cycling.
Thoracic spine
Often the less injured part of the spine. It may be associated with shoulder injuries. Sports that involve rotation (golf) or impact (football) will often cause rib or sternum issues. There is also certain development issues that affect the thoracic spine in growing children that should be considered. These include, Scheuermann’s disease and Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.
If your finding a sporting injury frustrating to recover from send us your questions. We are passionate about sharing our knowledge and expertise, so you achieve the outcome you want. If your injury is something our spine health experts can’t support, we will refer you. Our team regular work with the best local physiotherapist and exercise physiologist.